Company registration in Ruse, Bulgaria

Company registration in Bulgaria

Company Registration

Limited Liability Company


In most cases the Limited Liability Company is the most appropriate legal form for company incorporation in Bulgaria.

A limited liability company may be formed by one or more associates, who may be individuals or companies.

A limited liability company, formed by a single individual or a company, is called "EOOD" or in Bulgarian "ЕООД". A limited liability company, formed by two or more individuals or companies, is called "OOD" or in Bulgarian "ООД".

One individual may form several limited liability companies as a sole partner.

The minimum capital required for registering a limited liability company is 2 leva or 1 euro.

The responsibility of the associates for the company's liabilities is limited to the amount of the capital, they have invested in the company.


Partners and managers in a limited liability companies can be foreign citizens without any restrictions.
A manager in a limited liability company may be only an individual and may not be a company. The company may have more managers who may represent the company jointly or separately.

In order to register a limited liability company all partners and managers will have to come to Bulgaria in person and carry one of their ID documents - ID card or passport.

Company registration includes:

  • Choosing the name of the company and verifying whether it is available in the Commercial Register's website;
  • Deciding what the structure of the company will be - who the the sole partner or the partners will be and what will be their participation in the capital and who will be the manager/managers;
  • Signing the specimen of the manager's signature in front of the notary public;
  • Opening a bank account for depositing the company's capital;
  • Submitting the documents at the Commercial Register.

Contabil Ltd. renders the following company registration services in Bulgaria:

  • Consultation;
  • An address for the company;
  • Verification of the name of the company;
  • Paying taxes to the Commercial Register;
  • Preparation of the documents;
  • Assisting you in signing the specimen of the manager's signature in front of the notary public;
  • Assisting you in opening a bank account for depositing the company's capital;
  • Submitting the documents at the Commercial Register;
  • Making the company's stamps;
  • Receiving a document from the Commercial Register, proving the registration of the company.

The registration takes about 1 week after submitting the documents to the Commercial Register in Bulgaria.

The company registration for a company with a sole partner with one stamp for him/her costs 350 euro.

At the moment of the initial registration the company is not VAT-registered. This registration takes 2 weeks and costs 200 euro. One of the managers must come to Bulgaria once again in order to complete the VAT registration.

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